Administrative Board


Prof. Dr. Kamuran ERONAT

Dean of Faculty of Dentistry

Prof. Dr. Özkan ADIGÜZEL

Dean of Faculty of Medicine

Prof. Dr. Sabahattin Ertuğrul

Dean of Faculty of Letters

Professor Mehmet Mesut ERGİN

Dean of Faculty of Ziya Gökalp Education Faculty

Prof. Dr. Şengül KOCAMAN

Dean of Faculty of Theology

Prof. Dr. H. Musa BAĞCI

Faculty of Veterinary Sciences

Prof. Dr. Sadık YAYLA

Dean of Faculty of Architecture

Prof. Dr. F. Demet AYKAL

Dean of Faculty of Engineering

Prof. Dr. Atilla Gencer DEVECİOĞLU

Dean of Faculty of Agriculture

Prof. Dr. Muzaffer DENLİ

Dean of Faculty of Law

Prof. Dr. Mehmet Burak BULUTTEKİN

Dean of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences


Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy

Prof. Dr. Mehmet BOĞA

Dean of Faculty of Sciences

Prof. Dr. Sezai ASUBAY

Dean of Faculty of Communication

Prof. Dr. Ahmet TARCAN

Dean of Faculty of Art and Design

Prof. Dr. İrfan YILDIZ

Dean of Faculty of Applied Sciences

Prof. Dr. Bahar BURTAN DOĞAN

Director of Atatürk Faculty of Health Sciences

Prof. Dr. Vahap ÖZPOLAT

Elected Member by the Senate

Prof. Dr. Zeynel Fuat TOPRAK

Elected Member by the Senate

Prof. Dr. M. Zülkif AKDAĞ

Elected Member by the Senate

Prof. Dr. Davut KARAASLAN

Secretary General (Rapporteur)

Assoc. Prof. Mustafa Uğurlu ARSLAN