First International Staff Week
Hosting Higher Education Institution: Dicle University
Institution website:
Country: Turkey
Language: English
Dates: Monday, 15 April, 2019 to Friday, 19 April, 2019
Maximum number of participants: 30
Accommodation: Accommodation provided
Dear Colleagues,
It will be a great pleasure to host you at the Third International Staff Training Week, to be held for the third time in April, between 06-10 April 2020 by Dicle University, Diyarbakır / TURKEY.
Located on the banks of the Tigris River, rewarded with 2018 World Tourism Oscar (Golden Apple) home to Hevsel Gardens Cultural Landscapes, ranked in UNESCO World Heritage List with its famous City Walls, Zerzevan Castle and famous Mithras Temple, Diyarbakır is one of the most significant cities of Turkey and the Middle East. Dicle University has many partnerships and develops projects with international universities around the world by means of Erasmus+ since 2004. We deeply believe that The third International Staff Week will give us precious opportunities to meet esteemed colleagues all over the Europe at the very junction of history and civilization. We are looking forward to meeting academic and administrative colleagues to experience both academic meetings and unique cultural events through the organization.
Participants are expected to bring some Brochures, Leaflets and materials to promote and introduce their institutions in organizational fair session. Also participants will exchange ideas, build new partnerships and prepare a project idea in the week.
The programme is not only open for Erasmus+ Program Countries but also for Erasmus+ Partner Countries.
Looking forward to hearing from you and to welcoming you in April 2020 in Diyarbakır.
Registration is made by filling out the online registration form. (Registration form will be available until 01.10.2019) Registration Form
Selection of Applicants:
If we receive a lot of applications, we will apply a selection process based on consisting groups of as many different institutions, nationalities and ages as possible. Applicants will be informed about the result in September 2019.
Accommodation will be provided at Dicle University Guest Houses for free.
Participants will benefit from a visit to Mardin, one of the most historical cities of Turkey; A visit to Şanlıurfa/Göbeklitepe the first temple of Human history and a city tour of Diyarbakır. Moreover, participants will be provided, brochures, booklets, small gifts about Dicle University and Diyarbakır for free.
Meals and Coffee Breaks:
During the Staff Week, coffee breaks, famous Turkish breakfasts, lunches and dinners (except Tuesday dinner, participants will be free after the program) will be free.
Transfers and Museum Entrances:
All local transfers (including airport transfers) and museum entrances (Gobeklitepe, Dayru'l Zaferan, and Archaeology Museum of Diyarbakır) will be provided for free.
- Participants are expected to obtain Erasmus+ Mobility grants from their home Institutions to cover their living and travel expenses.
- You will find the full information and the pre-registration form attached. Kindly share this with your colleagues and partners.
- Should there be any changes of the program participants will be informed.